Wild wolves that live and eat wild meat

Wolves are fearsome predatory wild animals that feed on meat, these types of animals caused terror in human life.
In our article here we will talk about a mammal and where it lives as well as about some of its species, in particular we will return in time to take a historical note about this animal that lives in groups, namely: the wolf.we will come back a little in time, to see back some of the facts. In earlier times, we noticed that the Vikings were drinking wolves' blood and were putting their skins over their heads, also raising them for the purpose of accompanying them in hunting and in fights instead of dogs, so as to be fierce and aggressive.
We must understand that they are friendly animals and not only deadly, we must understand the way of life and the circumstances that cause him to attack a person, because he always tries not to coincide with humans, as he attacks a person for two reasons when he is hungry and does not find any prey to hunt, and the second reason when humans approach the place Where is his puppy.
Wild wolves that live and eat wild meat

Wolves live in groups of 6 to 10 individuals, these groups are known to travel long and long distances about 20 km per day. These animals can leave signs to communicate with each other, such as feces and urine, they are like dogs almost like playing with bones and making sounds.

Information about some types of wolves

We find many types of wolves in the world, there are those who have gone extinct, there are those who are threatened with extinction, and there are species that are not. But we will talk about the many species that exist.

Grey Wolf:

This species is known by many names: among them the Grizzly wolf, Canis lupus ... It is the largest species of the wild dog species, non-domesticated. We conclude from some analyzes of its breeds that they lived since ancient times, were spread in North America, but were subjected to hunting, which led to a decrease in their number.
The color of gray wolf is usually between gray and white and black, with a weight of about 23 to 59 kg, and a length of about two meters, this breed is characterized by ferocity and great strength, especially as it lives in groups and enjoys intelligence and a quick enemy to hunt down their prey.
We will also not forget that this species lives in Turkey as well, as we hear that there are groups of people called gray wolves in relation to the gray wolf animal because of its strength and ferocity. There is no reason to delve deeper into this issue. We apologize for that.
Grey Wolf

Arab wolf:

This species is found in the Arabian Peninsula; in Syria, Palestine, Oman, in Iraq and Algeria, and in some areas of Saudi Arabia, this breed is threatened with extinction because it is subjected to intentional killing and torture by being run over by cars or by attacking it by hunting dogs or sniping it with guns. One of the characteristics of the Arab wolf is that it can live in the burning desert and in High temperature, weight up to 25 kg, and is one of the smallest gray wolves.
Arab wolf

Arctic wolf:

Also called white wolf or  polar wolf, it is a gray wolf family and lives in the far north of Canada, Alaska and northern Greenland.
The length of this strain is between 90 and 150 centimeters, and its weight is about 80 kilograms. This species multiplies with a large number and is not threatened with extinction. It is distinguished by a cover of white fur on its body that helps it to hide over the snow and is difficult to discover and has a small skull and ears covered with a thick layer of fur to protect it from Extreme cold, as well as its feet, adapt to not losing the temperature in its body. These wolves feed on occipital animals, including rabbits, foxes, and rodents, as well as birds. They are not afraid of humans and attack the herds of stag directly in front of it.
Arctic wolf

Red Wolf:

It is a type of species threatened with extinction, is found in the southeast of the United States of America and in particular it is now spreading across North America, is distinguished by its average size which is about 20 to 38 kilograms and its length ranges from 100 to 126 centimeters, it is characterized by its lean shape with a red color in many of Sometimes its color tends to brown and orange and its tail is dense black. Red wolves feed from rodents and small mammals such as rabbits and also feed on wild berries, it is known that this breed of wolves is active at night and tends to live in remote wilderness and not in swamps and forests only and as we know that the wolf Red lives in a cold climate, as well as in average temperatures between 20 to 49 degrees.This type of wolves is exposed to the crossbreeding process that causes its extinction, as well as frequent hunting and climate change, two factors that help in extinction of this breed.
Red Wolf

Gray Mexican wolf:

Or what is called Canis lupus baileyi;It is one of the types of gray wolves most extinguished and the most rare at the level of the animal world, it belongs to the continent of North America, especially in all parts of Central Mexico, Arizona and parts of Texas.
The size of this breed can be associated with the size of some types of dogs, as its weight ranges from 23 to 36 kilograms and its length ranges between one and a half to two meters from tail to head.
Gray Mexican wolf

In our article we did not touch on all kinds of wolves, but we talked about some species and gave you some useful information.
Wild wolves that live and eat wild meat

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