Medium wild cats and wild lynx found in the world

Medium wild cat is Similar to household cats, a fierce and dangerous hunter who is a predatory animal from the feline family, what he needs for successful hunting is a group of methods including teeth, sharp claws and speed and we will also not forget the interesting jumps, we are talking about the lynx and his life.

Medium wild cats and wild lynx found in the world

Types of wild lynx in the world:

The lynx is characterized by its ability to jump 3 or 4 meters in the air, as well as stealth and seclusion, so we do not see it as a precursor in the woods as it is hunting and activity at night,
In our article here, we will learn about the wild lynx and its species, which is from the cat family. It is classified as a small feline, and we know it by other names.

Caracal lynx:

It is considered a medium-sized year, we classify it as a small size but it is heavier and faster. It is long in back and hunts everything. This species lives in Africa and in the region in Asia and the Arabian Peninsula. Its length reaches about one meter and weighs about 20 kilograms.This strain is characterized by long legs and a slender body, the color of which is light yellow or light yellow, and that helps him to hide in the surroundings in which he lives, he has circular eyes and long ears and ends with black hair, and from here comes his Latin name which means long black ears (caracal),
The strange thing is that the breeding of these animals is similar to the breeding of domestic cats, as it is at any time of the year and has no specific time.
Caracal lynx

Bobcat Lynx:

Or rufus lynx, is a strain that lives in North America belongs to the felidae family, characterized by its ability to adapt and live in forests and areas where there are trees and in semi-desert areas as well, it roams hunting areas to monitor or listen to any small movement to pounce on prey, this strain is similar With the rest of the strains of lynx, because it possesses that medium size. The red lynx is characterized by a gray or brown fur that tends to red, and its face is thick hair and its ears are characterized by black tufts, such as the Caracal lynx.The size of the Bobcat is about 17 kilograms, and it is considered one of the animals that hunt individually to a large extent, this species despite being hunted by humans, but it is not considered extinct.The strange thing is that despite its small size, it attacks deer and not only rabbits and small animals.
Bobcat Lynx

Canadian Lynx:

We conclude from his name that he lives in Canada and generally in North America, as it is a carnivorous animal from the feline family, similar to the Bobcat lynx, but it is the size and fissure of caracals.This type of lash is distinguished by its long legs and broad palms, which help it to move easily between snow, so it distributes its weight over a larger area and therefore its feet are not immersed in snow and remain constant.it is characterized by its long tufts, with a thick gray fur and a short black tail.The weight of the Lynx, which reaches 18 kilograms, is one meter long.
Some people find it very difficult to differentiate the lynx, but this breed lives in the snow, and the snow rabbit is one of the favorite prey of the Canadian lynx.
Canadian Lynx

Iberian lynx: 

or the Spanish lynx, similar to the Canadian lynx, this species is distinguished by its small size, which ranges between 10 and 15 kilograms and its length reaches about 130 kilograms.What I like about this breed is that it has a small size and a short dark white tail, in addition to having a beard in the form of a long hair collar around his neck, he has ears that end with black tufts.These lynx feed on wild rabbits and rodents, such as mice and squirrels, and also feed on birds.
Unfortunately this strain is vulnerable to extinction for a number of reasons, including overfishing by humans, as well as a shortage of prey European rabbits that are exposed to rabbit hemorrhagic disease, as well as traffic accidents in vehicles.
Iberian lynx

Eurasian Lynx:

From its name, we conclude that it lives in Eurasia, and it multiplies in Europe in general and in some Asian countries such as China and Iraq, as it is the largest species of Lynx and is considered the third largest predator.The sizes of the Eurasian lynx are very large, and this species weighs between 18 to 36 kilograms, but most of them sometimes reach 50 kilograms, the length of the lynx of 70 to 130 cm. This strain inhabits the northern forests and forests with deciduous trees.
Unfortunately, as we know, the preparation of this type is gradually consistent due to its beautiful fur, which the viewers insist.
Eurasian Lynx

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